Category: Research

  • A Look at the Vulnerable Internet Through LeakIX

    We all know that there are vulnerable things on the internet, but for some reason I’m always left surprised by how many vulnerable or compromised things there are floating around out there. During some Holiday time off in December, I spent some time getting familiar with the platform which provides a front row seat…

  • Honeypot Project –

    I recently built a honeypot with a focus on the capture of passwords that I could use to share results in real-time. I recognize that there are plenty of great honeypots out there (I run an instance of T-POT and am always impressed with how well it was built and all the honeypots it includes),…

  • Akira Ransomware

    April 2023 has brought about a new ransom group called Akira. This post serves as a consolidation of public intel to help filter through the searches for Akira that just result in anime :-). IOCS Twitter Posts:

  • ESXArgs Ransomware

    My thoughts and observations as I followed this incident and watched it unfold across the internet at the beginning of February. There’s not much that hasn’t already been said by various infosec resources (some links I found useful are shared throughout this post), but here’s my take all the same. What’s Special About It? This…